Our Plan

We envision that this project will be a long-term commitment of 5-10 years to establish a sustainable medical provision on the mountain and to also offer excellent training and research opportunities for medics interested in high mountain medicine.

Dave Wade, ski patroller and rescue expert based out of Jackson Hole, Wyoming, will head up the development of the rescue aspect alongside Kyrgyz partners.

Stephen Taylor, academic and mountaineer, will tackle the medical dimension in collaboration with Jeremy Windsor from the British Mountain Medicine Society. (BMMS)

Jeremy Windsor, a Consultant in Anesthesiology and Critical Care, is currently in the process of establishing partnerships with appropriate Kyrgyz medical organizations in order to establish a sustainable emergency medical and support capacity on Lenin Peak.

The summer of 2024 will see Windsor, and several experienced BMMS colleagues, undertake an initial visit to Lenin Peak to identify and pilot a suitable strategy for establishing an appropriate emergency medical operation on Lenin Peak.